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365 Days - Journey of a Lifetime

Hello My Beautiful Friend (aka Brave One), 


It is incredible how much can change in a year and I can honestly say this past year has been the journey of a lifetime. It has been epic.


It was at this time last year my life was changed when my family went to the Earthskills Rendevouz.  An incredible week-long camping experience where we learned ancient skills, connected with nature, and experienced a community-oriented atmosphere.😊


There I met an Elder named Sangoma. One of her sessions brought up how hard it was for me to talk about the part of myself that felt I wanted to be a “healer.” 


I had been an athlete, an Air Force Officer, a swim coach, and an entrepreneur. Nowhere in there fit…”Healer.”


Over the 2 years prior to that event, I had trained in different healing modalities: Theta Healing, QiGong Healing, WRT Water Release Therapy, Inner Bonding Facilitation -- dabbling in the idea of being a healer.


Yet I felt like there was more inside of me.  More I could contribute. More I could do.  More I could BE.  


Sangoma's guidance for me: “You Need to get to know and get comfortable with this Healer side of yourself.”   

BUT I was fearful of this side…what this would mean? Who would I really discover on the other side?  And how would I even begin to do this? 


And the Universe answered when I was looking on Sangoma’s Facebook page and randomly found an ad for the Rise of the Healers Retreat (this year’s virtual Retreat starts TOMORROW) which led me to Kairos Healers Academy, a magical trade school for healers. 


Kairos has changed my life, its trajectory, and ME. 


Yesterday was graduation day at Kairos.  

Kairos has changed my life, its trajectory, and ME. 


Yesterday was graduation day at Kairos.   

It has been amazing to reflect on how much I have grown. So this newsletter is an “ode” to everything that has transpired over the last year to celebrate finally having the courage to:


  • Rise as a Healer

  • Stand in "My Truth”

  • Offer my Magic to the World. 


Celebrating the side that I was so afraid of before. 


Rise As a Healer - My Healing Journey


I had to shed many layers...beliefs about who I thought I was, how I should behave, how I should present myself in the world because I believed the "real me" was Not Enough and Too Much at the same time. Read More Here


Standing In "My Truth"

This past week was very intense for me. Lots of fears and emotions came up and it all revolved around judgements and how uncomfortable it can be to be judged as well as how difficult it can be not to judge. Read More Here


Tap Into Harmony with the Magic of the Moon

I had been one of those people who was too busy to look UP, let alone look at the moon.


Over this past year, I’ve learned that engaging in self-reflection through questions and rituals during the various lunar cycles provides an opportunity to establish a deeper and more loving connection with myself and others.


Join me for a virtual New Moon Circle THIS Sat, 14 Oct 6pm - 7:30 pm MT Read More Here


My Beautiful Friend, I would love to hear from you!


What came up for you when reading this? Or just share about your journey...


If you are Brave enough, hit REPLY,

I would love to walk with you!


Much love,


Creatrix of FLOW Magic,

Weaver of Stories,

Journey Guide



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