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What is a Creatrix?

Updated: Apr 30, 2023

A woman deeply connected to herself, the world around her, and her innate creative feminine power.

A woman deeply connected to herself, the world around her, and her innate creative feminine power.

A woman who guides you in bringing forth your innermost self. The parts of you that you may have kept hidden intentionally or unintentionally. The parts you are afraid to show to the world.

A woman not afraid of your dark or your light as she knows to bring forth the light, you need to travel in the dark.

She is a courageous warrior as well as an unconditional lover, filled with compassion for all parts of you and will teach you to be the same for yourself.

She is both feminine and masculine in balance, bringing the best of both forth into this world and in you.

She is connected to all things, attached to nothing and in the flow…trusting in the Divine Source -- that it will provide all things when it is time.

She knows that she does not need to DO, she just need to BE. She can BE that for you.



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